
Semper Vivens wants to accompany you throughout the grieving process and provide answers to the many questions that may arise during the process.
In this section you will find articles and reports from professionals and specialists in different fields, psychologists, scientists and engineers who will share their knowledge and experience so that you never feel alone.

Testimony of the Socias-Rabasa family

Testimony of the Socias-Rabasa family

We thank the Socias Rabassa family for their trust, and for the permission to make this publication. With deep sadness and hearts overwhelmed by the loss, the family was immersed in unfathomable grief after the departure of...

Rest In Peace, Sonia

Rest In Peace, Sonia

His parents Sebastián and Francisca, who were familiar with Semper Vivens, contacted us. We have made a unique piece from start to finish, commissioned by her parents, to honor, dignify and remember their daughter in the...

The loss of a loved one

The loss of a loved one

The loss of a loved one is one of the most painful moments of suffering, if not the most painful, that a human being can go through during his or her life, showig various reactions, both physical and emotional. Faced with...



People are social beings, and as such it is in our imprint to link, to relate to other beings. In this way, establishing relationships is something inherent and natural in people, it is an act of love for ourselves and for...



Selected as one of the main candidates to win the prestigious international Green Product Award 2024

Gobierno de España. Ministerio de industria, comercio y Turismo
AIDIME, Instituo Tecnológico
Green Product Award 2024 Selectd

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